- 图典中国:帝鉴图说(汉英对照)
- (明)张居正编 (清)佚名绘
- 141字
- 2025-01-08 15:55:29

Practicing Temperance to Avoid Indulgence Yi Di, who was good at brewing fine wine, offered wine to Yu, who, while agreeing it was rich and mellow, said,“There will come people in later generations who lose their country because of indulgence in wine,” and therefore shunned Yi Di and forbade wine to be served to him.
戒酒防微 有个人名叫仪狄,善于酿造美酒。他把酒进献给大禹,大禹喝了后觉得如饮甘露,说道:“后世必有以酒亡国者。”于是疏远仪狄,再不许他觐见;吩咐左右,御前绝不准出现酒。