- 图典中国:帝鉴图说(汉英对照)
- (明)张居正编 (清)佚名绘
- 193字
- 2025-01-08 15:55:28

Setting Up a Drum and Wood Boards to Collect Suggestions As the leader of the union of tribes, Yao was open to advice and suggestions from all sides. He set up a drum outside his residence for the people to hit should they wish to offer suggestions in person, and erected wood boards along traffic arteries for the people to write about his defects in state governance. He ruled with political integrity, led the people to a prosperous and contented life, and won respect and obedience from all tribes.
谏鼓谤木 中国上古时期的部落联盟首领尧在位时,为广开言路,听取各方意见,特意在门外设鼓,百姓可以击鼓进谏;又在交通要道旁设立木牌,百姓可以在上面直言他为政的过失。在他的治理下,政治清明,人民安居乐业,四海咸服。