Admin Console overview

AirWatch Admin Console consists of a header menu in the top-right and a main menu that flows vertically on the left of the console. The main screen will display the information from the menu item selected. In addition to the two menu items, there is a dropdown to change your organization group in the header menu. In the following screenshot, where it states Company X Parent Organization Group, this is where you can change your organization group to manage.

Admin Console overview

The header menu contains the following options from left to right on the top and bottom rows:

  • Search: The search feature allows you to search for anything within AirWatch Admin Console.
  • Getting Started: This option allows you to launch and continue the Getting Started wizard at any time if the wizard is enabled.
  • Add: This allows you to add an admin, device, user, compliance policy, content, profile, internal application or public application without needing to browse the menu.
  • Saved: This allows you to access any features you have saved (similar to Bookmarks) within Admin Console.
  • Account: This allows you to view and change the roles assigned to your account. You can also configure your Account Settings, which includes User Information and Security Settings (security PIN, password, and password questions).
  • Help: This will launch the online help portal for documentation on Admin Console.
  • Refresh: This option refreshes the current screen.
  • Available Selections: This allows you to display/hide items within the main screen.
  • Export: This allows you to export information presented in the main section.
  • Home: This navigates back to your homepage within Admin Console.
  • Save: This allows you to save pages for quick access from the Saved Pages option.

The main menu navigation contains all the primary features for you to configure and set up your environment. The options available from top to bottom on the left-hand side of the console are as follows:

  • Hub: This is the area that gives you a high-level overview of your entire environment including items such as devices enrolled, compliance, profiles, and so on.
  • Devices: This section includes all management for your devices including profiles, enrollment status, dashboard, and so forth.
  • Accounts: Here you can manage all your users and administrators, including roles and groups within your environment.
  • Apps & Books: This section contains management of the app and books catalog along with Apple Volume Purchase Program (VPP). Other settings include smart groups, app groups, and Geofencing to name just a few.
  • Content: This is where you manage and upload all content made available to the users. Here you can also manage the content repositories and user storage, along with some other settings related to content.
  • Email: Here you can view all devices enrolled for e-mail, view reports on devices enrolled with email, and manage all email compliance policies.
  • Telecom: This section allows you to view and manage telecom usage for those devices configured to collect this information.
  • Groups & Settings: This is where you manage your organization groups, smart groups, app groups, user/admin groups, and structures related to these groups.