About the Reviewer

Timothy Gorbunov was born in the USA. At a young age, he fell in love with building and constructing things just like his dad. Tim became very good at Origami and started to sell it at elementary school. As he grew up, Tim leaned more towards electronics because it fascinated him more than any other hobby. Creating circuits that buzzed or flashed was one of Tim's favorite things to do. As time went by, he started exploring more advanced electronics and programming, and from that point on, he became more and more knowledgeable in electronics. He got hired to help create cymatic light shows at Cymaspace. There, he helped start Audiolux devices, a company that specializes in sound reactive technologies, by helping design their products. Tim does many other things other than electronics, such as fishing and hiking, but most importantly Tim believes in God. Tim spends a lot of time studying the Bible, praying, and going to church. He wants everyone to find the truth, the fact that Jesus Christ died for every person here on earth to bring redemption from their sins and give everlasting life with him in heaven. Tim also reviewed another book, Arduino by Example, Packt Publishing, in which he gained valuable experience in reviewing.