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- 2020-06-25 09:39:16
List 1

0001 childhood [ˈtʃaɪldhʊd]
n. 童年
例 Patterns of childhood eating can be hard to break. 童年时期养成的饮食习惯很难改变。
0002 pride [praɪd]
n. 1 骄傲 2 自尊
例 At first glance, the town is a typical dying mill centre. Many once beautiful buildings stand empty, evidencing a bygone time of spirit and pride. 乍一看,这座小镇是一个典型的快要废弃的碾磨中心。许多曾经很美的建筑空寂地矗立着,依稀揭示着过去的精神和骄傲。
0003 rise [raɪz]
n. 1 上升,升高 2 增强 3 加薪
v. 1 上升,提高 2 起立;起床 3 升起
例 Your temperature rises and you get a fever, but the heat of your body is killing the virus. 你的体温上升,你发烧了,但你身体里的热量正在杀死病毒。
0004 path [ pɑːθ]
n. 道路
例 There are certain milestones along the way that can help guide you along your path to success. 沿途会有很多里程碑似的人和事,在你成功的路上给你指引。
0005 award [əˈwɔːd]
n. 奖,奖品,奖金
v. 授予;奖励
例 Toni Morrison’s third novel, Song of Solomon, won the National Book Critics Circle Award.托妮·莫里森的第三部小说《所罗门之歌》获得了美国国家书评奖。
0006 provide [prəˈvaɪd]
v. 提供
例 The fair provides a chance for the farming community to show its skills and farm products.该博览会为这一农业社区提供了展示其技术和农产品的机会。
0007 lawful [ˈlɔːfʊl]
adj. 合法的
例 Lawful job search sites offer privacy protection. 合法的招聘网站提供隐私保护。
0008 wine [waɪn]
n. 葡萄酒;果酒
例 Clothes, watches, wines and other items are sold at low prices in Andorra. 衣服、手表、葡萄酒和其他商品在安道尔以低价出售。
0009 safety [ˈseɪfti]
n. 安全
例 Recent developments in electric vehicle technology mean they can match conventional petrol engines in terms of performance and safety. 电动汽车技术的最新发展意味着,它们可以在性能和安全性方面与传统汽油发动机相媲美。
0010 roommate [ˈruːmmeɪt]
n. 室友
例 A study found that black students living with a white roommate saw higher academic success throughout their college careers. 一项研究发现,与白人学生同住的黑人学生在大学期间有更高的学业成就。
0011 surprisingly [səˈpraɪzɪŋli]
adv. 惊人地;令人诧异的是
例 Surprisingly, expressing anger and disagreement won’t lead to lower marital satisfaction in the long run. 令人诧异的是,长远来看表达愤怒和意见分歧并不会导致婚姻满意度降低。
0012 service [ˈsɜːvɪs]
n. 服务
例 There are complaints that the poor service at London’s major airports is discouraging foreigners from doing business in Britain. 有人抱怨说,伦敦主要机场的服务不佳削弱了外国人在英国开展业务的积极性。
0013 tool [tuːl]
n. 工具
例 Through the project, the girls have learned how to work with tools and improve their work habits. 通过这个项目,这些女孩学会了如何使用工具并改善她们的工作习惯。
0014 final [ˈfaɪnl]
n. 决赛
adj. 最终的
例 Nobody ever knows what the final design will look like until the end. 人们往往到最后才能知道最终设计稿是什么样的。
0015 professor [prəˈfesə]
n. 教授
例 Most college professors agree the kind of exam they choose largely depends on the subject.多数大学教授一致认为,选择何种考试形式主要取决于考试的科目。
0016 hunger [ˈhʌŋɡə]
n. 饥饿
例 Because hunger may be overlooked as a headache source, one must make a habit of regular meals. 饥饿会导致头痛这一点可能会被忽略,因此我们必须养成按时吃饭的习惯。
0017 explanation [ˌekspləˈneɪʃn]
n. 解释
例 The young woman sought explanation from a brain scientist when she noticed her unusual memory. 注意到自己记忆力失常后,这位年轻的女士向一位脑科学家寻求解释。
0018 naturally [ˈnætʃərəli]
adv. 自然地
例 Naturally, adopted children have different feelings about their birth parents. 自然地,被收养的孩子对他们的亲生父母有着不同的感情。
0019 protect [prəˈtekt]
v. 保护
例 Writers of Shakespeare’s time had no means to protect their works. 在莎士比亚那个时代,作家没有办法保护自己的作品。
0020 protection [prəˈtekʃn]
n. 保护
例 A study found that using sunscreen routinely, alongside other protection such as hats, long sleeves or staying in the shade, did give some protection. 一项研究发现,经常使用防晒霜,再配合戴帽子、穿长袖衣服或待在阴凉处等其他措施,确实起到了一些保护作用。
0021 protective [prəˈtektɪv]
adj. 防护性的;保护的
例 It’s admirable to be protective of our kids, but is it good? 保护孩子固然值得赞赏,但这样真的好吗?
0022 website [ˈwebsaɪt]
n. 网站
例 At Creek High School, three students started a website that displays newspaper articles and district information. 在克里克高中,三名学生创建了一个网站,发布报纸文章和区域新闻。
0023 easily [ˈiːzɪli]
adv. 容易地
例 In this company, you can easily get promoted if you show the necessary personality and ability. 在这家公司,只要你显示出必要的人品和能力,很容易得到晋升。
0024 excitement [ɪkˈsaɪtmənt]
n. 激动,兴奋
例 Most computer addicts have a sense of well-being or excitement while at the computer. 大部分计算机成瘾者能在使用计算机时感到幸福或兴奋。
0025 cycle [ˈsaɪkl]
n. 循环
例 The daily routine of ancient people followed the rhythm of the natural cycle. 古人的日常生活遵循自然周期的节奏。
0026 shortly [ˈʃɔːtli]
adv. 不久
例 Katharine married Philip Graham in 1940, who took over his father-in-law’s position shortly after and became publisher of The Washington Post. 凯瑟琳于1940年与菲利普·格雷厄姆结婚,后者不久后就接管了他岳父的职位,成为《华盛顿邮报》的出版商。
0027 client [ˈklaɪənt]
n. 客户
例 One of advertising medium is direct mail, which uses mailings to consumers to communicate a client’s message. 直接邮寄是广告媒体的一种,它通过邮件的方式帮助客户向消费者传递信息。
0028 ease [iːz]
v. 减轻
例 If we can help ease their financial burden, we will. 如果可以,我们一定会帮助他们减轻财政负担。
0029 desire [dɪˈzaɪə]
v. 渴望
例 We all desire happiness and health. 我们都渴望幸福和健康。
0030 desirable [dɪˈzaɪərəbl]
adj. 值得拥有的;合意的,理想的
例 Finding a state of calm, peace and mental ease is the highest and most desirable form of pleasure and happiness. 达到那种镇定、平和、内心自在的状态是最高、最理想的快乐和幸福形式。
0031 shoulder [ˈʃəʊldə]
n. 肩膀
v. 肩负,承担
例 Young Jackson had to shoulder the responsibility of his father’s mistakes. 年幼的杰克逊不得不为他父亲所犯的错误承担责任。
0032 hunt [hʌnt]
v. / n. 1 打猎;猎取 2 搜寻;追捕
例 I bet our ancestors returned home from hunting wild animals and gathering nuts and complained about how little time they had to paint battle scenes on their cave walls. 我打赌,我们的祖先在结束猎杀动物和收集坚果的工作返回家园后,也会抱怨没有多少时间在洞穴墙壁上描画战斗场景。
0033 hunter [ˈhʌntə]
n. 1 猎人 2 搜寻者
例 And as it turns out, even today—with job growth near zero—over 4 million job hunters are being hired every month. 事实证明,即使在就业增长几乎为零的今天,每个月也会有400多万个求职者找到工作。
0034 nerve [nɜːv]
n. 1 神经 2 勇气
例 The brandy made him choke, but it restored his nerve. 白兰地呛到他了,但也使他恢复了勇气。
0035 cafeteria [ˌkæfɪˈtɪəriə]
n. 自助食堂
例 Federal standards and most school districts forbid selling food in the cafeteria that competes with the school lunch. 联邦标准和大多数学区禁止在食堂售卖与学校午餐有竞争关系的食物。
0036 crowd [kraʊd]
n. 人群
v. 挤满;涌入
例 I think Johnson would be glad to come, but what’s difficult is getting the guy to speak before a large crowd. 我想约翰逊会很愿意来,但难的是怎么让那个家伙在一大群人面前讲话。
0037 support [səˈpɔːt]
v. / n. 1 支持,援助 2 支撑
例 Our families give us emotional support and our friends share similar interests and activities.我们的家庭给予我们情感支持,而朋友和我们分享相似的兴趣和活动。
0038 supportive [səˈpɔːtɪv]
adj. 支持的,给予帮助的
例 They were always supportive of each other. 他们总是互相支持。
0039 supporter [səˈpɔːtə]
n. 支持者
例 Attacks against opposition supporters are continuing at levels higher than before the election.对反对派支持者的攻击仍在持续,程度比竞选前更加猛烈。
0040 environmental [ɪnˌvaɪərənˈmentl]
adj. 环境的;生态环境的
例 Environmental groups plan to stage public protests during the conference. 各环保组织计划在会议期间举行一些公开抗议活动。
0041 tear
n. 眼泪
v. 撕碎
【例1】 Many in the audience were moved to tears. 许多观众都感动得流下了眼泪。
【例2】 The boy tore his jeans on the fence. 小男孩的牛仔裤被篱笆刮破了。
0042 dig [dɪg]
v. 1 挖 2 (~out)挖掘出
例 It’s nice to have people agree, but you need conflicting perspectives to dig out the truth. 得到别人的赞同固然值得高兴,但你需要冲突的观点来挖掘真知。
0043 satisfy [ˈsætɪsfaɪ]
v. 满足
例 According to Facebook’s vice-president Elliot Schrage, if people don’t share information, they have a less satisfying experience. 脸书的副总裁埃利奥特·施拉格认为,如果不共享信息,人们会有“不太满意的体验”。
0044 user [ˈjuːzə]
n. 使用者
例 A drug user is the person who takes the drug. 吸毒者是指服用毒品的人。
0045 liquid [ˈlɪkwɪd]
adj. 液态的
n. 液体
例 Comets are made up of ice and other frozen liquids and gases. 彗星是由冰和其他冷冻液体和气体构成的。
0046 indeed [ɪnˈdiːd]
adv. 确实;事实上
例 Indeed, according to surveys, employers have expressed a preference for students who have received a broadly-based education that has taught them to write well, think critically, research creatively, and communicate easily. 调查显示,雇主确实更喜欢受过广泛教育的学生。这种教育教会他们有效写作、批判性思考、创造性研究,以及顺畅地沟通。
0047 policy [ˈpɒlɪsi]
n. 1 政策 2 保险单
例 An international travel insurance policy is usually purchased in your home country before you go abroad. 国际旅行保险通常要在出国之前在国内购买。
0048 introduction [ˌɪntrəˈdʌkʃn]
n. 1 介绍 2 采用;引进
例 The book is a friendly, down-to-earth introduction to physics. 这是一本简明、实用的物理学入门书。
0049 realisation [ˌriːəlaɪˈzeɪʃn]
n. 1 实现 2 领悟,认识
例 There was a growing realisation among countries that the current crisis is serious. 有越来越多的国家认识到,当前的危机很严重。
0050 realise [ˈriːəlaɪz]
v. 1 实现 2 意识到
例 Chefs such as Delia Smith, Nigel Slater, Jamie Oliver and Gordon Ramsay made the public realise that cooking—and eating—didn’t have to be a boring thing. 迪莉娅·史密斯、奈杰尔·斯莱特、杰米·奥利弗和戈登·拉姆齐这些大厨们让公众意识到,烹饪和用餐不一定是一件无聊的事情。
0051 thought [θɔːt]
n. 1 思考,思维 2 主意,想法 3 思想
例 The $11 billion self-help industry is built on the idea that you should turn negative thoughts like “I never do anything right” into positive ones like “I can succeed.” 这个110亿美元的自助产业建立在这样的理念基础上,即你应该把“我从来没做对过任何事”这样的消极想法变成像“我能成功”这样的积极想法。
0052 rethink [ˌriːˈθɪŋk]
n. / v. 重新考虑;反思
例 Analysts expect the fast-food industry to grow modestly this year. But the downturn is making companies rethink their strategies. 分析师预计,今年快餐行业将会温和增长。但是经济下滑正在迫使公司重新思考其策略。
0053 thinker [ˈθɪŋkə]
n. 思考者;思想家
例 Some independent thinkers have even produced cars that run on vegetable oil. 一些独立的思想家甚至生产了以植物油为燃料的汽车。
0054 thoughtful [ˈθɔːtfʊl]
adj. 1 体贴的,周到的 2 沉思的
例 Psychiatrists who work with older parents say that maturity can be an asset in child rearing-older parents are more thoughtful, use less physical discipline and spend more time with their children. 跟踪研究年长父母的精神病专家认为,家长的成熟在抚养孩子方面是一种优势——年长的家长更加周到,较少使用体罚,会花更多的时间与孩子相处。
0055 bite [baɪt]
v. 咬,啃
n. 咬;(咬下的)一口
例 Both sisters bit their nails as children. 这两姐妹在孩童时期都爱啃指甲。
0056 cite [saɪt]
v. 1 引用 2 列举;提及
例 The article cites the global giant Procter & Gamble as an example, saying a real innovative company should develop an innovation culture and use it as a primary tool for success. 该文章以全球巨头宝洁公司为例,说一个真正的创新公司应该形成一种创新文化,并将其作为获得成功的主要手段。
0057 photograph [ˈfəʊtəɡrɑːf]
n. 照片
v. 拍照;照相
例 I’m just going to ask you to look at some photographs before you leave if you don’t mind.如果你不介意,我想请你在离开前看一些照片。
0058 photography [fəˈtɒgrəfi]
n. 摄影
例 Decades ago, Kodak anticipated that digital photography would overtake film—and in fact, Kodak invented the first digital camera in 1975—but in a fateful decision, the company chose to shelf its new discovery to focus on its traditional film business. 几十年前,柯达公司就预见到数码摄影将超越胶卷摄影,而事实上,柯达公司在1975年发明了第一台数码相机。但该公司做了一个致命的决定,选择搁置其新发现,而专注于其传统胶卷业务。
0059 photographer [fəˈtɒɡrəfə]
n. 摄影师
例 Sarah was a beautiful lady. A local photographer often used her pictures in his monthly window display. 萨拉是位漂亮的女士。一名当地摄影师常常将她的照片用于他的每月橱窗展示中。
0060 photographic [ˌfəʊtəˈgræfɪk]
adj. 摄影的
例 In 1976, Kodak commanded 90%of the market for photographic film and 85%of the market for cameras. 1976年,柯达公司控制了90%的摄影胶片市场,以及85%的照相机市场。
0061 widely [ˈwaɪdli]
adv. 广泛地
例 The movies were widely predicted to drive live theatre out of the marketplace, but they didn’t, because theatre turned out to have qualities movies could not reproduce. 曾有很多人预言电影将会把舞台剧逐出市场,但它们并没有,因为事实证明舞台剧有电影不可复制的特点。
0062 widen [ˈwaɪdn]
v. 加宽,扩大
例 The new technology further widens the gap between the old and the young. 这项新技术的诞生进一步扩大了老年人和年轻人之间的代沟。
0063 iceberg [ˈaɪsbɜːg]
n. 冰山
例 The ship ran upon the iceberg. 那艘轮船撞到了冰山上。
0064 war [wɔː]
n. 战争
例 People in this country cannot cope with the ruinous costs accumulated over the post-war years. 这个国家的人民无法承担战后多年累积下来的毁灭性代价。
0065 title [ˈtaɪtl]
n. 1 标题 2 头衔,职位名称 3 权利
例 He was given the title of assistant manager. 他被授予经理助理的职位。.
0066 engine [ˈendʒɪn]
n. 发动机
例 Steamships didn’t lose their sails until the 1880s, because early marine engines had a nasty habit of breaking down. 汽船一直到19世纪80年代才停止使用,因为早期的海底发动机经常崩溃,令人恼火。
0067 cash [kæʃ]
n. 现金
v. 兑现
例 My friend Ginny is always out of cash; I often have to ‘loan’ her a dollar or two for a drink or a movie. 我的朋友金尼总是没有现金,我常常得借给她一两美元来喝一杯或者看场电影。
0068 technology [tekˈnɒlədʒi]
n. 技术
例 In my view, the technology—though imperfect—has a place in educational settings. 在我看来,这项技术尽管还不完善,在教育领域仍然占有一席之地。
0069 technological [ˌteknəˈlɒdʒɪkl]
adj. 科技的
例 Rapid technological advance has raised the incomes of the highly skilled while squeezing those of the unskilled. 科技的飞速进步提高了高技能人群的收入,同时也挤压了那些缺乏技术的人员的收入。
0070 tourism [ˈtʊərɪzəm]
n. 旅游业
例 Just as internet shopping forced Wal-mart and Tesco to adapt, so online sharing will shake up transport, tourism, equipment-hire and more. 正如网购迫使沃尔玛和特易购作出调整,线上共享也将使运输、旅游、设备租赁等产业受到冲击。
0071 pan [pæn]
n. 平底锅
例 Saucepans and frying pans are a must in the kitchen. 平底锅和煎锅是厨房必需品。
0072 traditional [trəˈdɪʃənl]
adj. 1 传统的;惯例的 2 守旧的
例 Today, children and adults at the fair can play new computer games, or attend more traditional games of skill. 如今,孩子和成年人都可以在展会上玩到新的电脑游戏,或参加更为传统的技能游戏。
0073 speed [spiːd]
v. (~up)加速
n. 速度
例 There are no speed limits in Germany. 在德国(开车)没有速度限制。
0074 speedy [ˈspiːdi]
adj. 快的;迅速的;敏捷的
例 I wish you a speedy recovery. 祝你早日痊愈。
0075 death [deθ]
n. 死亡
例 Americans have always argued about the death penalty. 美国人一直对死刑抱有争议。
0076 reality [riˈælɪti]
n. 现实
例 In the end Mr. Jobs created a reality of his own, channelling the magic of computing into products that reshaped entire industries. 最终,乔布斯先生创造了自己的现实:将计算的魔力注入产品,从而改变了整个行业。
0077 realistic [ˌriəˈlɪstɪk]
adj. 1 注重实际的 2 逼真的
例 We must be realistic in our self-estimation, neither being conceited nor belittling ourselves.我们对自己的评价应该实事求是,不要妄自尊大,也不要妄自菲薄。
0078 power [ˈpaʊə]
n. 1 力量 2 电能 3 权力;职权
v. 驱动
例 In the United States, the governor of a state has the power to change a sentence from the death penalty to life in prison. 在美国,州长有权将刑罚从死刑改为终身监禁。
0079 nowadays [ˈnaʊədeɪz]
adv. 当今
例 Nowadays, education plays a central part in the selection of people for management jobs.如今,受教育程度在选择从事管理工作的人才中起着核心作用。
0080 prepare [prɪˈpeə]
v. 准备
例 Students should be prepared not just for their first job, but for their 4th and 5th jobs, as there’s little reason to doubt that people entering the workforce today will be called upon to play many different roles over the course of their careers. 学生不仅应该为他们的第一份工作做好准备,还要为第四和第五份工作做好准备。因为今天参加工作的人们一定会被要求在其职业生涯中扮演许多不同的角色。
0081 preparation [ˌprepəˈreɪʃn]
n. 准备;准备工作
例 A new study published in the journal Learning and Memory finds you are probably better off sleeping than making last-minute preparations for a test. 在《学习与记忆》杂志上发表的一项新研究结果表明,考试之前按时睡觉很可能比做最后一分钟准备效果更好。
0082 certain [ˈsɜːtn]
adj. 1 确定的 2 某些,某一
例 Supermarkets try to attract their customers by placing certain kinds of products next to each other. 超市通过将某些种类的产品相邻放置来尽力吸引顾客。
0083 uncertainty [ʌnˈsɜːtnti]
n. 1 不确定;犹疑 2 拿不定的事
例 Fear comes from uncertainty of the unknown. It happens to all of us. 恐惧源自对未知事物的不确定。我们每个人都可能感到恐惧。
0084 file [faɪl]
v. 归档
n. 文件,档案
例 The contracts are all filed alphabetically under author. 合同都是按照作者一栏的字母顺序来归档的。
0085 lifetime [ˈlaɪftaɪm]
n. 1 一生,终身,有生之年 2 寿命
例 The brain is a seemingly endless library, whose shelves house our most precious memories as well as our lifetime’s knowledge. 大脑就像一个无边无际的图书馆,书架上陈列着我们珍贵的记忆和毕生的学识。
0086 lifestyle [ˈlaɪfstaɪl]
n. 生活方式
例 The researchers are analysing the participants’ health and lifestyle to see which factors might influence age-related cognitive changes. 研究人员正在分析参与者的健康状况和生活方式,以了解哪些因素可能影响与年龄相关的认知变化。
0087 trash [træʃ]
v. 1 破坏 2 丢弃
n. 垃圾;废物
例 The yards are overgrown and cluttered with trash. 院子里杂草丛生,堆满了垃圾。
0088 seriously [ˈsɪəriəsli]
adv. 严肃地;认真地;严重地
例 Professor Li has talked to Lily about her paper, but she doesn’t seem to take it seriously. 李教授跟莉莉谈过她的论文,但是她好像不太当回事。
0089 neighbourhood [ˈneɪbəhʊd]
n. 附近;街坊四邻
例 What happened in the factory is being whispered about the neighbourhood. 街坊四邻都在悄悄谈论工厂里发生的事。
0090 neighbour [ˈneɪbə]
n. 邻居
例 When you live in an apartment building, where only wall separates you from your neighbours, everyone needs to be considerate of each other. 如果你是住在公寓大楼里,你和你的邻居只有一墙之隔,那么每个人都需要互相体谅。
0091 apartment [əˈpɑːtmənt]
n. 公寓
例 Functioning fireplaces remain to this day a powerful selling point in a house or an apartment.能够正常运转的壁炉至今仍是一座房子或一间公寓的强大卖点。
0092 spirit [ˈspɪrɪt]
n. 精神
例 Many people are young in spirit despite their advanced age. 许多人尽管年事已高,但心态年轻。
0093 spiritual [ˈspɪrɪtʃuəl]
adj. 1 精神的 2 宗教的
例 The liberal arts in higher education help enrich students’ spiritual life. 高等教育的人文学科帮助丰富学生的精神生活。
0094 programme [ˈprəʊɡræm]
n. 1 活动安排;计划 2 课程 3 节目
v. 计划;安排
注:用于计算机领域时拼写为program,n. 程序 v. 编程
例 There is now a range of companies offering commercial programs to grade written test answers. 现在几家公司提供商用程序软件来给书面测试答案评分。
0095 sunshine [ˈsʌnʃaɪn]
n. 阳光
例 I think you really need to go out and get some fresh air and sunshine. 我想你真的需要出去,呼吸一些新鲜空气,晒晒太阳。
0096 publicly [ˈpʌblɪkli]
adv. 公开地
例 The journalist later publicly apologised for his comments. 该记者后来为自己的言论公开致歉。
0097 strongly [ˈstrɒŋlɪ]
adv. 强烈地
例 Some female economists are strongly against male domination in the economics profession.一些女经济学家强烈反对男性在经济学界的统治地位。
0098 amount [əˈmaʊnt]
n. 数量
例 Reducing the amount of sleep students get at night has a direct impact on their performance at school during the day. 缩短学生夜间的睡眠时间对他们白天的在校表现有着直接的影响。
0099 narrow [ˈnærəʊ]
adj. 狭窄的
v. (使)缩小
例 The gap between Apple and other tech firms is now likely to narrow. 苹果公司和其他科技公司之间的差距现在有可能会缩小。