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- 2020-06-25 09:39:16
List 2

0100 diamond [ˈdaɪəmənd]
n. 钻石
例 The stars in the night sky shine like diamonds. 夜空中的星星像钻石一样闪耀。
0101 outdoor [ˌaʊtˈdɔː]
adj. 户外的
例 David looks like an outdoor type, but actually he prefers indoor activities. 戴维看似是一个热爱户外活动的人,但实际上他更喜欢室内活动。
0102 indoor [ˈɪndɔː]
adj. 室内的
例 These special windows cut power bills by blocking solar heat in summer and retaining indoor warmth in winter. 这种特殊的窗户夏季可以阻挡太阳的热量,冬季可以留住室内的温暖,从而节省电费。
0103 outdoors [ˌaʊtˈdɔːz]
adv. 户外
例 It was warm enough to be outdoors all afternoon. 天气暖洋洋的,整个下午都可以待在外面。
0104 share [ʃeə]
v. 分享
n. 一份
例 The goals of the Expo were to educate, share ideas, and present Indiana’s best products. 该博览会的目的在于提供教育、分享想法,并展示印第安纳最好的产品。
0105 goal [gəʊl]
n. 目标
例 Children shouldn’t chat in the classroom because it hinders hard work; instead, they should learn to delay gratification so that they can pursue abstract goals, like going to college. 孩子们不应该在教室里聊天,因为这会妨碍他们努力学习;相反,他们应该学会延迟满足以便能够追求抽象的目标,比如上大学。
0106 comfort [ˈkʌmfət]
v. 安慰
n. 1 安慰 2 舒适
例 In the morning, I just sit in comfort and read the papers to catch up with the news. 早上,我通常只是舒适地坐着,读读报纸,了解下新闻。
0107 development [dɪˈveləpmənt]
n. 发展,开发
例 The new product’s brand name and packaging were an important part of the development process. 新产品的命名和包装是开发过程中的一个重要组成部分。
0108 developer [dɪˈveləpə]
n. 开发者
例 John Bardeen was also co-developer of the theory of superconductivity. 约翰·巴丁也是超导理论的共同创立者。
0109 developmental [dɪˌveləpˈmentl]
adj. 发展的
例 I’m a mother of three, a teacher, and a developmental psychologist, so I’ve watched a lot of children. 我是三个孩子的母亲,同时还是一名教师和发展心理学家,所以我观察过很多孩子的行为。
0110 payment [ˈpeɪmənt]
n. 1 付款 2 报偿
例 Smartphones with GPS let people see where the nearest rentable car is parked; and online payment systems handle the billing. 人们可以通过装有GPS定位系统的智能手机查看最近可租赁车辆的停车位置,在线支付系统自会处理订单。
0111 helpless [ˈhelpləs]
adj. 无助的
例 Learning how to knit infant hats gave me a sense of purpose during a time when I felt very helpless. 学习编织婴儿帽让我在一段非常无助的日子里找到了一些目标。
0112 trade [treɪd]
n. 贸易
vi. 交易,买卖;以物易物
vt. 用…交换
例 Mama said good-bye to her parents and friends, and traded her busy city neighbourhood for a more isolated life. 妈妈告别了她的父母和朋友,摆脱了忙碌的城市生活而换成了一种更与世隔绝的生活。
0113 trader [ˈtreɪdə]
n. 商人
例 Market traders display an exotic selection of the island’s produce. 市场商贩们展示着该岛别具异国情调的农产品。
0114 style [staɪl]
n. 样式,风格
例 The speech delivery style of Europeans and Asians tends to be very formal. 欧洲人和亚洲人的演讲风格往往非常正式。
0115 stylish [ˈstaɪlɪʃ]
adj. 时髦的;现代风格的;潇洒的
例 I love to dress my dog in stylish clothes. 我喜欢给我的狗穿上时髦的衣服。
0116 unlike [ˌʌnˈlaɪk]
prep. 与…不同
例 Unlike the second type, the third kind of loneliness usually lasts more than two years and has no specific cause. 与第二种类型不同,第三种类型的孤独持续的时间通常会超过两年,并且没有具体原因。
0117 level [ˈlevl]
n. 1 水平;标准;品级 2 层次;级别
例 All languages have two general levels of usage: a formal level and an informal level. 所有语言都有两个常规使用层面:正式层面和非正式层面。
0118 harm [hɑːm]
n. / v. 伤害
例 Cheating can hurt the reputation of the University, and harm those who worked hard for their degree. 作弊会损害大学的声誉,并伤害那些努力学习争取学位的学生。
0119 harmful [ˈhɑːmfʊl]
adj. 有害的
例 If you think a high-factor sunscreen keeps you safe from harmful rays, you may be wrong. 如果你认为高效防晒霜可以使你免受有害光线的伤害,那么你可能错了。
0120 reduce [rɪˈdjuːs]
v. 减少;缩小
例 Having a healthy diet can help reduce the risks of diabetes. 保持健康的饮食习惯有助于降低患糖尿病的风险。
0121 reduction [rɪˈdʌkʃn]
n. 缩小;减少;降低
例 We are now seeing a trend towards the reduction of exports. 出口额正处于下降趋势。
0122 really [ˈriːəli]
adv. 真正地
例 If you really want to do your job well, don’t forget to get some sleep. 如果你真想把工作做好,别忘了适当休息。
0123 unpleasant [ʌnˈpleznt]
adj. 令人不快的
例 The old man is always filled with joy, despite the unpleasant circumstance of his life. 那位老人总是很快乐,尽管他的生活境遇不好。
0124 imagination [ɪˌmædʒɪˈneɪʃn]
n. 想象力
例 Despite what you may believe about the limits of your own creative imaginations, we all have the potential to imagine the world in an absolutely new way. 无论你认为自己有多少创造性想象力,我们都有潜力以一种全新的方式去想象这个世界。
0125 imaginary [ɪˈmædʒɪnəri]
adj. 虚构的;假想的
例 It is unrealistic to try to restore an imaginary golden age. 试图回到一个想象中的黄金时代是不现实的。
0126 number [ˈnʌmbə]
v. 给…编号
n. 数量;数字;编号
例 The number of men who have left work to do their thing as full-time parents has doubled in a decade. 辞去工作去做全职爸爸的男士人数在过去十年间翻了一番。
0127 least [liːst]
adj. 最少的
例 Scientists are in general agreement that the warmer conditions we have been experiencing are at least in part the result of a human-induced global warming trend. 科学家普遍认为,我们一直所处的不断变暖的环境至少有一部分是人类引起的全球变暖趋势的结果。
0128 paint [peɪnt]
v. 用颜料画;刷油漆
n. 颜料;油漆
例 Two pregnant women who were working with paint requested a transfer to a safer department, because they wanted to prevent damage to their unborn babies. 有两个怀孕的女油漆工要求调到一个更安全的部门,防止对她们未出生的婴儿造成伤害。
0129 painter [ˈpeɪntə]
n. 画家;油漆工
例 Mary Johnson is one of my favourite painters. 玛丽·约翰逊是我最喜欢的画家之一。
0130 ton [tʌn]
n. 1 许多,大量 2 吨
例 Why do so many Americans eat tons of processed food? 为什么这么多美国人吃大量的加工食品?
0131 youth [juːθ]
n. 年轻;青年时期
例 In my youth my ambition was to be an inventor. 我年轻时候的抱负是当一名发明家。
0132 colour [ˈkʌlə]
v. 上色
n. 颜色
例 Some students mark new vocabulary in a different colour. 一些学生用不同的颜色标记出新词汇。
0133 alike [əˈlaɪk]
adv. 相似地,相像地
例 We looked very alike. 我们长得很相像。
0134 cave [keɪv]
n. 洞穴
例 Places have been found on earth that are in total blackness such as caves several miles beneath the ocean. 地球上发现了一些完全黑暗的地方,比如海面下几英里的洞穴。
0135 electricity [ɪˌlekˈtrɪsɪti]
n. 电
例 Benjamin Franklin used a kite to prove the lightening electricity. 本杰明·富兰克林用风筝证实了雷电的存在。
0136 electrical [ɪˈlektrɪkl]
adj. 用电的;发电的
例 Anant Agarwal, an electrical engineer who is president of edX, predicted that the instant- grading software would be a useful teaching tool. edX公司总裁、电气工程师阿南特·阿加瓦尔预测,即时评分软件将会是一个有用的教学工具。
0137 most [məʊst]
adj. / pron. 大多数(的);最多(的)
adv. 最
例 With increasingly large classes, it is impossible for most teachers to give students meaningful feedback on writing assignments. 随着班级人数的不断增多,大多数教师都不可能在写作任务上给学生提供有效的反馈。
0138 golden [ˈgəʊldn]
adj. 金的;金色的
例 Her golden hair flared like the sun. 她那金色的头发像阳光般熠熠生辉。
0139 giant [ˈdʒaɪənt]
adj. 巨大的
n. 大公司;巨人
例 Smaller fast-food chains have to increase spending on advertising to compete with the global giants like McDonald’s. 那些较小的连锁快餐品牌不得不增加广告投入,以便和麦当劳这样的跨国巨头竞争。
0140 therefore [ˈðeəfɔː]
adv. 因此
例 Recycling lowers the amount of waste put into landfills; therefore, less money is spent for garbage disposal. 循环利用能够降低垃圾填埋场的废物量,因此,用于垃圾处理的资金也会有所减少。
0141 create [kriˈeɪt]
v. 制造;创作;造成
例 In both good times and bad, turnover creates more openings than economic growth does. 无论时代好坏,人员更替所创造的就业机会都要多于经济增长所创造的。
0142 creativity [ˌkriːeɪˈtɪvɪti]
n. 创造力
例 New research shows that clock-based work schedules hinder morale and creativity. 新的研究表明,基于时钟的工作时间表会阻碍士气和创造力。
0143 creation [kriːˈeɪʃn]
n. 创造,制造;作品,产物
例 The rewards of activities like knitting go well beyond replacing stress and anxiety with the satisfaction of creation. 类似于编织这种活动可以将压力和焦虑情绪转换为创作带来的满足感,但回报还远远不止于此。
0144 greatly [ˈgreɪtli]
adv. 1 非常 2 极大地
例 People differ greatly in their ability to communicate. 人们在沟通能力上差别很大。
0145 error [ˈerə]
n. 错误
例 The technology has helped reduce medical errors by providing instant access to patient data or prescription details. 该技术通过提供对患者数据或处方信息的即时访问来帮助减少医疗错误。
0146 advise [ædˈvaɪz]
v. 建议
例 Donna helped the villagers to organise an irrigation project, and she also advised them on planting crops that didn’t require much water. 唐娜帮助村民组织了一个灌溉项目,还建议他们种植不需要太多水的作物。
0147 adviser [ædˈvaɪzə]
n. 顾问;指导教师
例 The Internet was developed during the 1970s by the Department of Defense. In the case of an attack, military advisers suggested the advantage of being able to operate one computer from another terminal. 互联网是20世纪70年代由国防部开发的。在一次遇到袭击时,军事顾问提出能够从另一个终端控制一台电脑的优势功能。
0148 recently [ˈriːsntli]
adv. 最近
例 A friend recently took her mother to visit an expensive nursing home near my town. 一个朋友最近带她的妈妈去了我镇附近的一家昂贵的养老院。
0149 popular [ˈpɒpjʊlə]
adj. 流行的;受欢迎的
例 County fairs are a tradition in New England towns. They offer great entertainment. One popular event is the pie-eating contest. 县集市是新英格兰城镇的一个传统。这些集市提供很多娱乐项目。一个受欢迎的活动是吃派比赛。
0150 popularity [ˌpɒpjʊˈlærɪti]
n. 受欢迎,流行
例 Although frozen dinners were invented in the 40s, their popularity didn’t boom until televisions became popular a decade or so later. 虽然速冻餐食在40年代就出现了,但直到约十年之后电视兴起才真正流行起来。
0151 popularise [ˈpɒpjʊləraɪz]
v. 使…受欢迎;使…通俗化,使普及
例 Pop culture icons, such as the Beatles, helped popularise yoga by showing interest in yogic meditation. 流行文化偶像,比如甲壳虫乐队,对瑜伽冥想表现出兴趣,进而促进了瑜伽的推广。
0152 backward [ˈbækwəd]
adj. 落后的
adv. 向后
例 If you could move at the speed of light, your time would stand still; if you could move faster than light, your time would move backward. 如果你能以光速运动,你的时间会静止不动; 如果你能以超光速运动,你的时间会倒流。
0153 sight [saɪt]
n. 1 视力 2 情景;视野
v. 看见;发现
例 My sight is failing, and I can’t see to read any more. 我的视力正在下降,再也不能读书了。
0154 patient [ˈpeɪʃnt]
adj. 有耐心的
n. 病人,患者
例 We need to think about the rational use of health care. That means making some difficult decisions with elderly patients, and going against the misguided belief that when it comes to health care, more is always better. 我们需要考虑医疗保健的合理利用。这意味着要在老年患者方面做出一些困难的决定,并且反对医疗保健总是越多越好这一错误理念。
0155 within [wɪˈðɪn]
prep. 1 在(某段时间 / 距离 / 范围 / 限度)之内 2 在…内部
例 Within the next 20 years, space planes could be taking off for the Moon at the same frequency as airplanes flying between New York and Los Angeles. 在今后20年内,飞往月球的宇宙飞船可能会像往来于纽约和洛杉矶之间的飞机一样频繁。
0156 custom [ˈkʌstəm]
n. 1 习俗 2 习惯;习性
例 It’s the custom for Americans to eat with knives and forks. 美国人用刀叉吃饭是一种习俗。
0157 forward [ˈfɔːwəd]
adv. 向前;向将来
adj. 向前的;前后的
例 Today’s announcement is another important step forward in improving access to a quality education. 今天的声明是发展素质教育向前迈进的重要一步。
0158 cloth [klɒθ]
n. 布料
例 Even if I am on vacation in the mountains, I am eating food someone else has grown, living in a house someone else has built, wearing clothes someone else has sewn from cloth woven by others, using electricity someone else is distributing to my house. 即使我是在山里度假,我也是吃着别人种的食物,住着别人建造的房子,穿着别人用他人织的布料缝制的衣服,用着别人输送到我家的电。
0159 favourite [ˈfeɪvərɪt]
adj. 最喜欢的
例 Her favourite portrait showed her sitting by Lake Michigan, her hair went blown, her gaze reaching toward the horizon. 她最喜欢的一张照片是她坐在密歇根湖畔,发丝随风飘起,视线伸向远方。
0160 desert
n. 沙漠
v. 遗弃,抛弃
例 These orphans are deserted by their family. 这些婴儿被家人抛弃了。
0161 broad [brɔːd]
adj. 1 广泛的 2 广阔的;宽阔的
例 Broader definitions of the sharing economy include peer-to-peer lending or putting a solar panel on your roof and selling power back to the grid. 共享经济更广泛的定义包括点对点借款或在屋顶上放置太阳能电池板并将电力卖回电网。
0162 youngster [ˈjʌŋstə]
n. 青少年
例 French fries, washed down with a pint of soda, are a favourite part of fast-food lunches and dinners for millions of American youngsters. 炸薯条配苏打水吃下,这是数百万美国青少年在快餐午餐和晚餐中最喜欢的部分。
0163 magic [ˈmædʒɪk]
n. 魔法
adj. 神奇的
例 The mobile phone is a magic device widely used these days. 手机是当今人们广泛使用的一个神奇的设备。
0164 magical [ˈmædʒɪkl]
adj. 有魔力的;神奇的
例 Emotional energy has a kind of magical quality; the more you give, the more you get back. 情感能量有一种神奇的品质——你付出的越多,收到的回报就越多。
0165 shock [ʃɒk]
n. 令人震惊的事;剧烈震动
v. 使震惊;使气愤
例 One Saturday morning, Sam did something that shocked his family and doctors. He started speaking.一个星期六的上午,山姆做了一件令其家人和医生都感到震惊的事。他开口说话了。
0166 location [ləʊˈkeɪʃn]
n. 位置
例 The dance of the honeybee communicates the location of flowers. 蜜蜂用舞蹈来传达花的位置。
0167 locate [ləʊˈkeɪt]
v. 定位;位于
例 Andorra, one of the smallest countries in the world, is located high in the mountains between France and Spain. 安道尔是世界上最小的国家之一,位于法国和西班牙交界的高山之上。
0168 experiment
n. 实验
v. 做实验
例 The experiment is the first to ask teachers to report on the effects of sleep deficiency in children. 该实验首次要求教师报告睡眠不足对儿童的影响。
0169 experimental [ɪksˌperɪˈmentl]
adj. 试验性的
例 Experimental users may try drugs once or twice. They want to see what the effects will be.试用者可能会试用一两次药物,来看看会有什么效果。
0170 praise [preɪz]
n. / v. 赞扬
例 The reaction to his death, with people leaving candles and flowers outside Apple stores and politicians singing praises on the internet, is proof that Mr. Jobs had become something much more significant than just a clever money-maker. 他的过世引起了很大的社会反响——人们在苹果商店的门口摆放蜡烛和鲜花,政客们在网络上发表对他的赞美。这些都说明乔布斯先生已经成为一个更卓越的人,而不仅仅是一个聪明的商人。
0171 technical [ˈteknɪkl]
adj. 技术上的
例 To compete for jobs on a national level, the graduates should be armed with the skills that emerging industries need, whether technical or not. 为了在全国范围内竞争工作岗位,毕业生应该具备新兴产业所需要的技能,无论是技术上的还是非技术上的。
0172 management [ˈmænɪdʒmənt]
n. 管理
例 Much ink has been spilled in management books discussing how to get the most out of these youths in the workplace. 管理类书籍中用大量笔墨来探讨如何能让年轻人在职场中发挥最大的价值。
0173 manage [ˈmænɪdʒ]
v. 1 (~to do)设法做到 2 经营 3 应付,支撑
例 Most people who get in trouble do know the rules and facts, but manage to fool themselves about the risks they’re taking by using excuses. 大多数陷入困境的人是知道规则和事实情况的,只是设法用各种借口欺骗自己说不会有风险。
0174 mismanagement [ˌmɪsˈmænɪdʒmənt]
n. 管理不善;处理不当
例 Residents are pitching in to help teachers and administrators as the Vrain School District tries to solve a $13.8 million budget shortage blamed on mismanagement. 在弗兰学区尽力解决因管理不善而导致的1,380万美元的预算赤字的同时,当地居民也在参与协助教师和管理人员的工作。
0175 fee [fiː]
n. 费用
例 Import fees are low, so tourists enjoy the inexpensive shopping. (这个国家的)进口税费很低,所以游客都喜欢这里的廉价购物。
0176 tax [tæks]
n. 税
v. 向…征税
例 The government has made a decision to impose an additional tax on sugary drinks. 政府已经决定对含糖饮料额外增税。
0177 editor [ˈedɪtə]
n. 编辑
例 Marty Baron is the executive editor of the Washington Post. 马蒂·巴伦是《华盛顿邮报》的执行编辑。
0178 edit [ˈedɪt]
v. 编辑
例 Katherine returned to Washington and got a job, editing letters in her father’s newspaper.凯瑟琳回到华盛顿,并且得到了一份工作,在她父亲的报社编辑信件。
0179 truth [truːθ]
n. 1 真理 2 真相 3 真实性
例 It’s nice to have people agree, but you need conflicting perspectives to dig out the truth. 得到别人的赞同固然值得高兴,但你需要冲突的观点来挖掘真知。
0180 beneath [bɪˈniːθ]
prep. 在…之下
例 At last, the letter was found beneath a large pile of books. 最后发现这封信被压在了一大堆书的下面。
0181 globe [gləʊb]
n. 地球
例 These companies recruit all over the country and the globe for workers with specific abilities.这些公司在全国和全球范围内招聘具备特定能力的工人。
0182 society [səˈsaɪəti]
n. 社会;社团
例 When we visit another society whose norms are different, we quickly become aware that things we do this way, they do that way. 当我们到了另外一个行为规范不同的社会,很快就会意识到,他们的处事方式与我们完全不同。
0183 aside [əˈsaɪd]
adv. 在旁边
例 Talk to a friend who will really listen and not brush aside your feelings. 跟一个真正愿意倾听并且不会置你的感受于不顾的朋友谈谈。
0184 system [ˈsɪstəm]
n. 1 系统 2 制度;体制
例 Some people don’t believe the software grading system can do as good a job as human graders. 有些人认为软件评分系统不会有人工评分做得好。
0185 attack [əˈtæk]
v. / n. 攻击;进攻;损害;抨击
例 When a virus attacks your body, your body works hard to get rid of it. 当有病毒攻击你的身体时,你的身体会努力去消灭该病毒。
0186 bet [bet]
v. / n. 打赌;赌注
例 Since they haven’t built up their credit histories yet, it’s a safe bet that these young adults are paying relatively high interest rates on the resulting credit card debt. 由于尚未建立起信用记录,这些年轻人肯定在以相对较高的利息偿还信用卡债务。
0187 ability [əˈbɪlɪti]
n. 能力
例 The public never had faith in the manager’s ability to handle this situation. 公众从不相信这位经理有处理这种情况的能力。
0188 unable [ʌnˈeɪbl]
adj. 无能的,不能的
例 The problem is that such an impulse is hard to sustain across the country; many similar families were unable to maintain the initial boost in morale. 问题是这种冲动难以在全国范围内持续,许多类似的家庭无法保持最初振作起来的士气。
0189 worldwide [ˌwɜːldˈwaɪd]
adj. 世界范围的
例 Their big populations are causing worldwide concerns. 他们巨大的人口数量正在引起全世界的关注。
0190 centre [ˈsentə]
n. 中心
例 It was reported that the cost of enrolling an infant or small kid at a childcare centre rose 3%in 2012. 据报道,2012年婴幼儿的入园费用上涨了3%。
0191 central [ˈsentrəl]
adj. 1 中央的 2 核心的
例 Nowadays education plays a central part in the selection of people for management jobs.如今,受教育程度在选择从事管理工作的人才中起着核心作用。
0192 underwater [ˌʌndəˈwɔːtə]
adj. 水下的
adv. 在水里
例 Underwater exploration is so much cheaper than space flight. 水下探险比太空飞行便宜得多。
0193 importance [ɪmˈpɔːtəns]
n. 重要性
例 Time is, for the average American, of utmost importance. 时间对于普通美国人来说是最重要的。
0194 career [kəˈrɪə]
n. 事业,职业
例 Women are more likely to face the difficult choice between career and children after marriage than men. 与男性相比,女性在婚后更可能会面临职业和孩子之间的艰难选择。
0195 tutor [ˈtjuːtə]
v. 辅导
n. 导师
例 I’ll talk to my tutor Doctor Garseer first and see what she thinks. 我会先跟我的导师加西尔博士谈谈,看看她的想法。
0196 climate [ˈklaɪmət]
n. 气候
例 Climate change is an important problem requiring our utmost attention. 气候变化是我们要给予最大关注的重要问题。
0197 thus [ðʌs]
adv. 因此
例 Getting student heath insurance in the country where you will study might allow you to only pay a certain percentage of the medical cost at the time of service and thus you don’t have to have sufficient cash to pay the entire bill at once. 在你要前往学习的国家取得学生健康保险,能让你每次就医时只支付一定百分比的医疗费用,因此你不必有足够的现金去立即支付全部费用。
0198 surface [ˈsɜːfɪs]
n. 表面
v. 出现;浮出水面
例 No such findings, as run counter to common sense, has ever surfaced before. 像这样与常识相悖的发现之前从未出现过。
0199 political [pəˈlɪtɪkl]
adj. 政治的
例 Watergate have undermined the faith of many Americans in the integrity of political and economic leaders and society as a whole. 水门事件损害了许多美国人对政治和经济领导人乃至整个社会诚实廉政的信心。