第1章 老实人在一座美丽的宫堡中怎样受教育,怎样被驱逐
第2章 老实人在保加利亚人中的遭遇
第3章 老实人怎样逃出保加利亚人的掌握,以后又是怎样的遭遇
第4章 老实人怎样遇到从前的哲学老师邦葛罗斯博士,和以后的遭遇
第5章 飓风,覆舟,地震;邦葛罗斯博士 老实人和雅各的遭遇
第6章 怎样地举办功德大会禳解地震,老实人怎样地被打板子
第7章 一个老婆子怎样地照顾老实人,老实人怎样地重遇爱人
第8章 居内贡的经历
第9章 居内贡 老实人 大法官和犹太人的遭遇
第10章 老实人 居内贡和老婆子怎样一贫如洗地到加第士,怎样地上船
第11章 老婆子的身世
第12章 老婆子遭难的下文
第13章 老实人怎样地不得不和居内贡与老婆子分离
第14章 老实人与加刚菩在巴拉圭的耶稣会士中受到怎样的招待[29]
第15章 老实人怎样杀死他亲爱的居内贡的哥哥
第16章 两个旅客遇到两个姑娘 两只猴子和叫作大耳朵的野蛮人
第17章 老实人和他的随从怎样到了黄金国,见到些什么[34]
第18章 他们在黄金国内的见闻
第19章 他们在苏利南的遭遇,老实人与玛丁的相识
第20章 老实人与玛丁在海上的遭遇
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第21章 老实人与玛丁驶近法国海岸,他们的议论
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第22章 老实人与玛丁在法国的遭遇
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第23章 老实人与玛丁在英国海岸上见到的事
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第24章 巴该德与奚罗弗莱的故事
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第25章 佛尼市贵族波谷居朗泰访问记
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第26章 老实人与玛丁和六个外国人同席,外国人的身份
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第27章 老实人往君士坦丁堡
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第28章 老实人 居内贡 邦葛罗斯和玛丁等等的遭遇
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第29章 老实人怎样和居内贡与老婆子相会
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第30章 结局
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第31章 How Candide Was Brought Up in a Magnifcent Castle and How He Was Driven Thence
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第32章 What Befell Candide among the Bulgarians
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第33章 How Candide Escaped from the Bulgarians and What Befell Him Afterward
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第34章 How Candide Found His Old Master Pangloss Again and What Happened to Him
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第35章 A Tempest a Shipwreck an Earthquake and What Else Befell Dr.Pangloss Candide and James the Anabaptist
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第36章 How the Portuguese Made a Superb Auto-De-Fe to Prevent Any Future Earthquakes and How Candide Underwent Public Flagellation
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第37章 How the Old Woman Took Care of Candide and How He Found the Object of His Love
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第38章 Cunegund's Story
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第39章 What Happened to Cunegund Candide the Grand Inquisitor and the Jew
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第40章 In What Distress Candide Cunegund and the Old Woman Arrive at Cadiz and of Their Embarkation
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第41章 The History of the Old Woman
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第42章 The Adventures of the Old Woman Continued
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第43章 How Candide Was Obliged to Leave the Fair Cunegund and the Old Woman
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第44章 The Reception Candide and Cacambo Met with among the Jesuits in Paraguay
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第45章 How Candide Killed the Brother of His Dear Cunegund
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第46章 What Happened to Our Two Travelers with Two Girls Two Monkeys and the Savages Called Oreillons
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第47章 Candide and His Valet Arrive in the Country of El Dorado—What They Saw There
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第48章 What They Saw in the Country of El Dorado
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第49章 What Happened to Them at Surinam and How Candide Became Acquainted with Martin
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第50章 What Befell Candide and Martin on Their Passage
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第51章 Candide and Martin While Thus Reasoning with Each Other Draw Near to the Coast of France
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第52章 What Happened to Candide and Martin in France
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第53章 Candide and Martin Touch upon the English Coast—What They See There
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第54章 Of Pacquette and Friar Girofee
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第55章 Candide and Martin Pay a Visit to Seignor Pococurante a Noble Venetian
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第56章 Candide and Martin Sup with Six Sharpers—Who They Were
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第57章 Candide's Voyage to Constantinople
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第58章 What Befell Candide Cunegund Pangloss Martin etc.
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第59章 In What Manner Candide Found Miss Cunegund and the Old Woman Again
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第60章 Conclusion
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第61章 注释
更新时间:2019-08-01 17:45:12